Ganbare Goemon: "Seikuushi Dainamaittu Arawaru!!":
Boss fight 1 translation

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SDA boss 1
Nyaapon: {Anya nya nya nya nya!!
Meowpon: {Meeeeeeeow!!
Mou, konna tokoro made yattekuru nyante!
もう, こんなところまでやって来るニャンて~!
Meow, what!? Already, you’ve turned up here?
Goemon: {Temeera! Ittai, nanimondei!
Goemon: {You---! Your gang has been a big hassle so far!

Sekkaku, oira nou de nomise dokorono...
It was difficult, but I made it here only because I’m so skilled...
{Koban nage senshuken} o mechamecha ni shiyagatte!
It’s extremely easy to see that I’m the {Koban-throwing Champion}!
SDA boss 1
Ittai nanio, takurandeyagaru!
It doesn’t matter what your gang’s lousy schemes are!
Nyaapon: {Achiki wa uchuu seihuku robo da nyaa!
ニャ~ポン『あちきは宇宙せふくロボだ ニャ~!
Meowpon: {The space conquest robot is over there, meow!

Seikuushi (Seikuushi) Dainamaittu sama no, meireide Nippon o seihuku naka nanonya!
Lord Seikuushi Dynamite has ordered me-ow to conquer the center part of Japan!
Dainamaittu sama no zyama o suru yatsu wa achiki ga, aite da nyaa!!
ダイナマイッツさまのじゃまをするヤツは あちき,あいだニャ~!!
The lousy fellow who is obstructing Lord Dynamite’s plans will there meet his match, meow!!
Karakuri [neko nyan] henshin!
からくり【ネコにゃん 】ヘンシン!
Mechanical “cat’s meow” transformation!

SDA boss 1
Okaka robo: Zyanbonyaa maa X
おかかロボ ジャンボニャ ~マ~X
Invading robot: Zambonia mark X

SDA boss 1

[End of boss 1 dialogue]

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