general depository of
miscellaneous info about this website
Who's the webmaster around this crazy burger joint in the sky?
A: HR, aka Seppukumaru, aka Hoshikuzu
Seppukumaru, aka Aspen Stardust. Really I'm just a dork who wants to
use the name Seppukumaru, but in some cases it's not possible since
others have used it before.
HR = my initials, Aspen Stardust = aspens are my second favorite kind
of tree (yes, I'm a big tree hugger) and I've got a thing for stars as
well... not too original I suppose. Hoshikuzu = stardust, you get the
idea there.
At the moment, I'm a college student struggling to not lose my mind
during the long boring days in school, while wondering what the hey I'm
going to do with my degree!
Q: What's with the
Spanish & the Japanese text? It's looking a little weird, ya
A: Well,
I know some of both, though unfortunately I read 'em much easier than I
write them. It would be nice to have a completely trilingual website. I
doubt I'll ever get that far, but at some point I may add on to the
very little that I already have on here.
On a related note, I'm kind of ripping the Japanese habit of excessive
English text around their fansites (and everywhere else, for that
matter). Japanese fansites were the base inspiration for this site, and
they're a big part of the reason I never dropped the Japanese language
practicing completely. Now, my Russian skills- that's another story!
I've actually got some books n' CDs for Russian, but all I really
remember is the alphabet and a couple words, since it's been a few
years since I studied it. I certainly wish I could get interested in
that again! And it would be really cool to be able to read Arabic as
well. Someday?
you make this thing, anyway? I know your HTML-writing skills dropped
dead back in '04.
Yep, it's true! I've still got an ancient website rotting on the web
that hasn't been updated for the past four years.
It's embarrassingly bad, reeking of templates and bad fanart, and if
you can find it, well, you'd certainly suprise me! I had one in '02 as
well, that was deleted. You're not gonna find out what those were
about... *cough* I'm so mean... *cough*
Well now, here's my 'What You See Is What You Get' website
building program, Nvu. It's kinda like Dreamweaver for cheapskates. A
hefty dose of thanks goes out to Random for both the program, and the
help she gave me in getting the website off the ground. Both were
Oh Nvu, I could marry you. No one must know of
our forbidden love... except you- let's keep it a secret, alright?
Granted, sometimes I do edits to the HTML through my hosting service,
since most of it is actually pretty simple.
But some of it is over my head. And forget CSS! I'm not even going to
try that 'un. *hehe*
Just using NVU is so much simpler and easier. Computer geeks will be
appalled at my cluttered up code. *evil Bowser laugh*
Seppukumaru? Aren't there better characters to have all over your site?
Nope! There aren't! This strange character is my fave by
far, and he's really fun to draw. Y'know, Goemon himself is actually my
second favorite, but I don't think anyone could really guess that...
After that, there are so many great characters to choose from, so it
gets tough to pick favorites.
Why are you so chatty?
I have no life. I'm online far too much. In real life, I'm this
talkative around very few people.
Oh.... okay, I'm sorry I asked.
As you should be. (just kidding!)
Why is it that you're always saying corny things and making appallingly
bad jokes?
Uh... because I can?
Hey, congrats! You made it to the end of the page,
and apparently you're still awake!